How to quilt it: Pick 3

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A design principle that I fall to time and time again when deciding how to quilt something is “pick 3.”  In this quilt top brought to me by Kimberlee Hill, I started with straight lines, wishbone, and wavy lines.  All three are simple to do – and when put together create the perfect frosting for this 3 color quilt.

My Greenhouse Quilt


When my daughter put a cactus blanket on a shopping wishlist, I knew that it was time to make her a bed quilt.  The problem was that I didn’t have long to turn it around and have it complete before it was time for gifting – so I grabbed Angela Hartman’s Greenhouse pattern.  Eight of her blocks made themselves into just the right top to showcase some of my doodle quilting. Continue reading

My quilting is featured in a book!

wheels of commerce

Virginia Hammon wrote a book about our money system, and it is illustrated with photos from her quilt Wheels of Commerce, an amazingly hand-pieced La Passacaglia quilt which I custom quilted.  You can pick up your copy here:  click here  I’ve worked on several projects with Virginia, including Admit One to the Sands of Time, which one Best Longarm Quilting Workmanship at Pacific International Quilting Festival 2016.

Admit One 2

Admit One to the Sands of Time